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Differences for page Getting started with hping3

Current version compared with version Tue Jun 08 18:05:36 GMT 2004

- ===Getting Started With hping3===
  This document is a quick introduction to [hping3]. [hping3] is mostly command line compatible with [hping2]
  so the command line interface is not documented in this document. Instead this is an introduction to the
- hping Tcl scripting capabilities, and how to use they interactively and in standalone scripts.
+ hping Tcl scripting capabilities, and how to use them interactively and in standalone scripts.
+ {Important Note:} to get the best of hping3 you should learn some basic Tcl programming. To make the
+ task more simple I'm writing a book about Tcl programming, the first nine chapters (all you need
+ to start with Tcl IMHO) are *online for free* here: [link http://www.invece.org/tclwise/].  
  ===First steps===
  First of all you need a working [hping3] installation. Go to the [download] page, and download the latest
  hping3 tar.gz available. Install it, and log in as the *root* user (you need this to send and receive raw packets).
  *+*, *-*, and so on.
- As first try, you can type some simple command and see the result:
+ As first try, you can type a simple command and see the result:
   hping3.0.0-alpha-1> hping resolve www.google.com
  The *hping* command should be called with a subcommand as a first argument (*resolve* in the example)
- and additional arguments accordingly to the particular subcommand.
- The [hping resolve] command is used to convert an hostname in an [IP address].
+ and additional arguments according to the particular subcommand.
+ The [hping resolve] command is used to convert a hostname to an [IP address].
  Ok, that's the basic usage. Now we can start to try more advanced commands (you can find
  can send [TCP/IP] packets that you can easily describe as strings:
- hping3.0.0-alpha-1> hping send {ip(daddr=,code=0)}
+  hping3.0.0-alpha-1> hping send {ip(daddr=,code=0)}
  This command means "send an ICMP echo request packet to". Many details of
- the packet can be omitted. For example we didn't specified our source address (that will
+ the packet can be omitted. For example we didn't specify our source address (that will
  default to the real source address of the sender, the one of the outgoing interface),
- nor the IP or ICMP checksum. hping will care to compute they for now.
+ nor the IP or ICMP checksum. hping will compute them for us.
  Let's check what tcpdump running at detected:
  Our ICMP packet reached the destination, that kindly replied with an ICMP echo reply
- It's better to recall for a second the previuos command, to analyze it better:
+ It's better to recall for a second the previous command, to analyze it better:
- hping3.0.0-alpha-1> hping send {ip(daddr=,code=0)}
+ hping3.0.0-alpha-1> {hping send \{ip(daddr=,code=0)\}}
- As you can see, there are \{ and \} surrounding the packet description. This are required by
+ As you can see, there are \{ and \} surrounding the packet description. This is required by
  [Tcl] in order to quote the string so that special characters will not be interpreted.
- To quote with \{\} in Tcl is just like to quote with "" in most other languages, with the
+ Quoting with \{\} in Tcl is just like to quote with "" in most other languages, with the
  difference that no escapes are recognized inside \{\} quoting.
  The second thing to note is the format we used to describe the packet. That's called
  is a simple way to figure how to generate a given packet, because hping3 use this
  format to send packets, but also to receive packets as we will see in a moment.
  ===Tcl inside===
  Before to show how it's possible to receive packets, I want to stress the fact that we are
  text editor, and then run it using hping:
   # hping exec foo.htcl
+ - Cut&paste it into the hping interactive shell also works well.
- But note that to just cut&paste it into the hping interactive shell also works well.
- It's important to note that this time we used "" quoting for the packet
- description, because we are using *$i* in order to have the *i* variable
- expanded as ttl value for every *foreach* iteration.
+ Note that because this example uses a variable *i* to increment the ttl value on every iteration 
+ of the *foreach*, we used "" rather than \{\} quoting so that *$i* would be expanded to the value of *i*.
  I think it's clear now that in order to make a good use of [hping3] you need to learn the Tcl
  to learn, and if you learn [Tcl] you will enjoy it in many different tasks related or
  not to hping. The best site about [Tcl] is the [link http://wiki.tcl.tk Tcler's Wiki].
  ===Packet reception===
- Another very imporant subcommand of hping is [hping recv], that is used to
+ Another very important subcommand of hping is [hping recv], that is used to
  capture packets from the specified interface. The simplest usage is the following:
  `Because the received packet description is too long I added newlines quoted with \\, but actually hping will read the packet as a unique string.`
- [hping recv] returns a Tcl list, where every element is a packet (but for default
+ [hping recv] returns a Tcl list, where every element is a packet (but by default
  it will be just one-element list).
  At every call, {hping recv eth0} will return the packet(s) in queue. If there is no packet to receive
- the command will block until one is not available.
+ the command will block until one is available.
- If you don't want that [hping recv] will block forever, you can specify an additional
+ If you don't want [hping recv] to block forever, you can specify an additional
  argument. One more argument will tell hping the max number of packets to return in
- a single call. To know the details please check the [hping recv] page in this wiki
+ a single call. To learn the details please check the [hping recv] page in this wiki.
  Note that the command always returns a Tcl list of packets, even when just one packet
- The first like is just a *while* loop that will repeat forever the script provided as second argument.
- the second line, {set p \[lindex \[hping recv eth0\] 0\]} gets the next packet, the *lindex* command
- is used to extract the packet form the Tcl list (and the 0 argument tells lindex to get the first packet).
+ The first line is just a *while* loop that will repeat the script provided as second argument forever.
+ The second line, {set p \[lindex \[hping recv eth0\] 0\]} gets the next packet, the *lindex* command
+ is used to extract the packet from the Tcl list (and the 0 argument tells lindex to get the first packet).
- The second line of code, {puts "..."}, print on the scrint the source IP address and the TTL value of the
+ The second line of code, {puts "..."}, print on the screen the source IP address and the TTL value of the
  packet. To extract fiels from packets there is the command [hping getfield] (see the specific page for
  more information as usually).
... -> 128 -> 128
- the script will dump the packets until you don't press ctrl+C.
+ the script will dump the packets until you press ctrl+C.
- {Work in progress... will be done in some hour I hope}+ 
+ ===A more complex example===
+ The following is a more real-world example, an hping script used to analyze the Initial Sequence Number
+ of a TCP/IP stack implementation. This example uses [Tk] in order to be able to display a spectrogram
+ of the ISN increments in graphic. Note that the script is quite "rude" in order to make it
+ as simple as possible (otherwise it will hardly be good in order to learn hping3 by examples).
+ Before to show the actual code, I want to show an example output for Linux and Windows.
+ That's Linux:
+ [img http://www.hping.org/hping3/linux.jpg]
+ While that's what I get with Windows 2000:
+ [img http://www.hping.org/hping3/win.jpg]
+ `To appreaciate the real difference about the two OSes note the scale indication in the pictures.`
+ Note that the script sends SYN packets to the target host always using the same IP address,
+ so it does only check how random the increment is in a particular situation. But if your
+ TCP/IP stack will show a bad spectrogram in this context, there is already something of
+ bad (think about dialups, or DSL lines with dynamic IP, I can connect, sample a given host,
+ reconnect with a different IP and try to do IP spoofing with the previous one).
+ Finally that's the hping3 script to do the actual analysis:
+  # isn-spectrogram.htcl -- show the ISN increments "spectrogram".
+  # Copyright(C) 2003 Salvatore Sanfilippo.
+  #
+  # All rights reserved.
+  #
+  # Here the idea is very simple, in operating systems implemeting
+  # ISN as random increments, it is useless to analyze the whole
+  # sequence number, because the random part is just the increment.
+  # Morover, some weaknes isn't about correlation between previous
+  # and successive increments, but just about increments don't show
+  # a good distribution. So the idea is to display a spectrogram
+  # of the increments distribution instead of the more complex to read
+  # 3D attractors (See [1]). This way is possible to see at least some of
+  # the common vulnerabilties you can discover with 3D attractors,
+  # but it is much simpler to guess how hard is to exploit the system
+  # just from the picture.
+  #
+  # [1] http://razor.bindview.com/publish/papers/tcpseq.html
+  #
+  # Please if you make this script better write me back the
+  # changes. (antirez@invece.org).
+  #
+  # The script requires Tk to run.
+  package require Tk
+  source hpingstdlib.htcl
+  if {$argc != 3} {
+      puts stderr "Usage: isn-spectrogram <host> <scale> <open-tcp-port>"
+      puts stderr "Example: isn-spectrogram www.example.com 100000 80"
+      exit
+  }
+  set bgcolor {#000000}
+  wm title . {hping3 -- attractors}
+  set w .main
+  frame $w
+  pack $w -side top
+  . config -background $bgcolor
+  $w config -background $bgcolor
+  # canvas
+  set xres 800
+  set yres 800
+  canvas $w.can -width $xres -height $yres
+  $w.can config -background $bgcolor
+  pack $w.can -fill both -expand true
+  # globals
+  foreach {hostname div dport} $argv break
+  set sport 1
+  #set dport 80
+  set target [hping resolve $hostname]
+  set targetif [outifname $target]
+  set myip [hping outifa $target]
+  set isnqueue {}
+  set relative_attractor 1
+  set lastisn 0
+  #set div 10000000
+  hping setfilter $targetif "tcp and src host $target"
+  $w.can create rectangle 40 450 139 450 -fill white -width 0
+  $w.can create text 90 470 -fill white -text [expr $div*100]
+  proc sendsyn {} {
+      global sport dport myip target
+      append syn "ip(saddr=$myip,daddr=$target,ttl=255)+"
+      append syn "tcp(sport=$sport,dport=$dport,flags=s)"
+      hping send $syn
+      incr sport
+      after 1 sendsyn
+  }
+  proc recvsynack {} {
+      global lastisn relative_attractor
+      set packets [hping recv eth0 0 0]
+      foreach p $packets {
+  	if {![hping hasfield tcp flags $p]} continue
+  	set isn [hping getfield tcp seq $p]
+  	if {$relative_attractor} {
+  		set tisn [expr abs($isn-$lastisn)]
+  		set lastisn $isn
+  		set isn $tisn
+  	}
+  	#puts "ISN: $isn"
+  	displaypoint $isn
+      }
+      after 10 recvsynack
+  }
+  proc displaypoint isn {
+      global w xres yres pastcol div
+      set isn [expr $isn/$div]
+      set y 300
+      set x $isn
+      puts "$x $y"
+      if {[haskey pastcol $x.$y]} {
+  	set graylevel [incr pastcol($x.$y) 10]
+      } else {
+  	set pastcol($x.$y) 0
+  	set graylevel 0
+      }
+      if {$graylevel >= 256*3} {
+  	set graylevel [expr (256*3)-1]
+      }
+      if {$graylevel <= 255} {
+  	set b $graylevel
+  	set g 0
+  	set r 0
+      } elseif {$graylevel <= 511} {
+  	set b 0
+  	set g [expr $graylevel - 256]
+  	set r 255
+      } elseif {$graylevel <= 767} {
+  	set b 255
+  	set g 255
+  	set r [expr $graylevel - 512]
+      }
+      set color [format "#%02X%02X%02X" $r $g $b]
+      $w.can create rectangle $x $y [expr $x+1] [expr $y+100] -fill $color -width 0
+  }
+  after 1 sendsyn
+  after 1 recvsynack
+  vwait forever
+  # vim: filetype=tcl softtabstop=4
+ If you know some basic Tcl/Tk you will find it very simple to read I hope.
+ Note that if you want to run this code you require a little hping standard
+ library, but both this program and the lib itself are under the */lib* directory
+ of the hping3 distribution, so don't bother to retype it from this page.
+ That's how to use the script against a Linux box.
+  cd /your/path/hping3/lib
+  ../hping3 exec isn-spectrogram.htcl <target-host> 100000 25
+ Note that '25' is an open port, you need to specify an open TCP port for the target system.
+ 100000 is instead the scale, if you see that the graph is bigger than the screen use
+ a bigger scale value, if you see it concentrating in the left of the screen and very dense,
+ use a lower one. auto-scaling is trivial but not implemented in that script.
+ {Work in progress... I hope to refine this tutorial at some point}

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