hping wiki

Differences for page hping send

Current version compared with version Sun Sep 05 03:38:00 GMT 2004

  This command is used to send [TCP/IP] packets. It is able to send
  packets specified in the same format the command [hping recv] returns
  packets, this basically means that you can experiment with
- 'hping recv' in order to undrestand how to send a given packet.
+ 'hping recv' in order to understand how to send a given packet.
  Also note that a common pattern with [hping3] is to receive
- packets with [hping recv], modify this packets in some way
+ packets with [hping recv], modify these packets in some way
  and resend with [hping send]. This makes the creation of scripts
  to do [NAT] and all the sort of [TCP/IP] flow manipulation very easy.
  Note that the first two commands are used to get the outgoing interface
  address. From the example it should be clear that in the [hping3] world
- packets are strings rappresenting different layers of the packet.
- When a given layer is not specified by the user, hping try to set
- it at a reasonable value. For instance the user don't need to
+ packets are strings representing different layers of the packet.
+ When a given layer is not specified by the user, hping tries to set
+ it to a reasonable value. For instance the user doesn't need to
  specify [IP] and [TCP] checksums for normal packets because hping will
- compute it automatically. Of curse to create broken packets it can
+ compute them automatically. Of course to create broken packets it can
  be useful to specify a checksum field.
  Working with packets as strings, it is handy to create a packet
       hping send $syn
- The *-nocompile* optional switch is used to tell hping to don't
+ The *-nocompile* optional switch is used to tell hping to not
  compile the packet (packet compilation calculate stuff like
  checksums, tot length, and so on), it is useful in order to
  send broken packets.
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