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Differences for page Functional programming in Tcl

Current version compared with version Tue Nov 16 09:50:07 GMT 2004

  [Salvatore Sanfilippo] 16Nov2004: The following is a library for functional programming in Tcl.
- The procedures are commented in inside the Tcl file itself. The license of this code is BSD.
+ The procedures are commented inside the code. The license of this code is BSD.
  The code is both included in this page, for people to see what the library contains, and attached
  as a downloadable file at the end of the page.
   # Functional.tcl - Functional Programming Library for TCL
-  # Version 14Nov2004
+  # Version 30Nov2004
   # Copyright (C) 2004 Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez at invece dot org>
   # permission to use and distribute the software in accordance with the
   # terms specified in this license.
+  ################################################################################
+  ################################################################################
   # [map] works exactly like Tcl's [foreach] command, but for every
   # iteration, the result of the body script is appended to a list
   # that is finally returned.
       return $result
+  # A non garbage collecting [lamda] implementation.
+  # The best we can get for now. Note that's not very useful
+  # with the implementation of other functional command in this
+  # library because [map], [filter], ... all take Tcl scripts directly
+  # as "inline functions", so lambda is not required.
+  #
+  # However there are times where a command is passed as argument, like
+  # in the case of [fold] command. In such a case [lambda] is useful.
+  proc lambda {argl body} {
+      set name [info level 0]
+      proc $name $argl $body
+      set name
+  }
+  # Given a command 'cmd' and a list 'l' with elements l1, l2, l3, ..., lN
+  # [fold] returns [$cmd ... [$cmd [$cmd l1 l2] l3] ... lN].
+  # For example if 'cmd' is the procedure:
+  #
+  # proc add {x y} {expr {$x+$y}}
+  #
+  # Then [fold {1 2 3 4} add] returns (((1+2) + 3) + 4)
+  proc fold {l cmd} {
+      set res [lindex $l 0]
+      for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $l]} {incr i} {
+  	set res [$cmd $res [lindex $l $i]]
+      }
+      return $res
+  }
+  ################################################################################
+  ################################################################################
   # Returns the value relative to the key 'k' in the alist 'l'.
   proc aget {l k} {
       if {[llength $l] % 2} {
       return -1
-  # A non garbage collecting [lamda] implementation.
-  # The best we can get for now. Note that's not very useful
-  # with the implementation of other functional command in this
-  # library because [map], [filter], ... all take Tcl scripts directly
-  # as "inline functions", so lambda is not required.
-  #
-  # However there are times where a command is passed as argument, like
-  # in the case of [fold] command. In such a case [lambda] is useful.
-  proc lambda {argl body} {
-      set name [info level 0]
-      proc $name $argl $body
-      set name
-  }
+  ################################################################################
+  ################################################################################
-  # Given a command 'cmd' and a list 'l' with elements l1, l2, l3, ..., lN
-  # [fold] returns [$cmd ... [$cmd [$cmd l1 l2] l3] ... lN].
-  # For example if 'cmd' is the procedure:
-  #
-  # proc add {x y} {expr {$x+$y}}
-  #
-  # Then [fold {1 2 3 4} add] returns (((1+2) + 3) + 4)
-  proc fold {l cmd} {
-      set res [lindex $l 0]
-      for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $l]} {incr i} {
-  	set res [$cmd $res [lindex $l $i]]
-      }
-      return $res
-  }
   # Math operators as commands
   foreach {op neutral} {+ 0 * 1} {
       proc $op args [format {
       } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
   	expr {1.0/[lindex $args 0]}
       } else {
-  	error "- expects at least 1 argument."
+  	error "/ expects at least 1 argument."
+  ################################################################################
+  ################################################################################
+  proc lintersect {a b} {
+      foreach e $a {
+  	set x($e) {}
+      }
+      set result {}
+      foreach e $b {
+  	if {[info exists x($e)]} {
+  	    lappend result $e
+  	}
+      }
+      return $result
+  }
+  proc lunion {a b} {
+      foreach e $a {
+  	set x($e) {}
+      }
+      foreach e $b {
+  	if {![info exists x($e)]} {
+  	    lappend a $e
+  	}
+      }
+      return $a
+  }
+  proc ldifference {a b} {
+      foreach e $b {
+  	set x($e) {}
+      }
+      set result {}
+      foreach e $a {
+  	if {![info exists x($e)]} {
+  	    lappend result $e
+  	}
+      }
+      return $result
+  }
+  proc in {list element} {
+      expr {[lsearch -exact $list $element] != -1}
+  }
+  ################################################################################
+  ################################################################################
   # The [range] command as for TIP 225.
   proc rangeLen {start end step} {
       if {$step == 0} {return -1}
-  }+  }

The following is the old page content