hping wiki

Differences for page Why I can edit every page of this site

Current version compared with version Wed Oct 26 08:39:46 GMT 2005

- Because it's a wiki  (stupid smut) bitch  <--That is rather vulgar don't you think? :)+ 
+ Hello!
+ If you know [What's a Wiki], for you it is not a surprise that all the pages of this wiki
+ are editable by every visitor. This site is a bit more extreme because it does not
+ require even a free registration, you just edit the pages if you have something to say
+ or some sentence to correct. So please *don't think it's a bug*, this site is conceived
+ so that you can edit all the pages.
+ How does this work in practice? Quite well, I'm able to edit the site in a very short time,
+ many users contributed some text in existing pages or new useful pages.
+ There are also problems, vandalism. There are people that altered some page
+ just for a vandalistic fun, and (most) others that altered some pages because
+ they used to think to the edit feature as a bug.
+ Linkspam, the addition of links to commercial sites that are not thoroughly relevant, can appear on any wiki, and may afflict this one as well.
+ The last class of vandalism is related to the `google rank`, some webmaster
+ added a link to a site in order to get an higher rank (the hping site
+ is at rank 6).
+ So please, don't alter these pages just for fun, but add real content if you like.

The following is the old page content