hping wiki

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Current version compared with version Mon Oct 04 06:32:07 GMT 2004

- Welcome to the [hping] wiki (see: [what's hping]). The aim of this site is to create a collaborative environment to document hping, share programming tips, and share hping scripts.
- But we are not limited thus! *Many topics can be discussed here*, including topics related to security tools programming, Tcl, networking, as long as the author creates the wiki page and titles it appropriately.
- The key point here is non-spam content of course, and to make sure contents are not copyrighted.
+ HI
+ Welcome to the [hping] wiki.
+ ===What's Hping?===
+ hping is a free packet generator and analyzer for the [TCP/IP] protocol. Hping is one of the de-facto tools for security auditing and testing of firewalls and networks, and was used to exploit the [Idle Scan] scanning technique now implemented in the [Nmap] port scanner. The new version of hping, hping3, is scriptable using the [Tcl] language and implements an engine for string based, human readable description of TCP/IP packets, so that the programmer can write scripts related to low level TCP/IP packet manipulation and analysis in a very short time.
+ Like most tools used in computer security, hping is useful to security experts, but there are a lot of applications related to network testing and system administration.
+ For more information see the [what's hping] page.
+ === About this site===
+ The aim of this site is to create a collaborative environment to document hping, share programming tips and hping scripts, and much more. *Many topics can be discussed here*, including topics related to security tools programming, Tcl, networking, as long as the author creates the wiki page and titles it appropriately.
+ The key point here is non-spam content of course, and to make sure contents are not copyrighted.
  The moderator of this wiki is [Salvatore Sanfilippo] (aka `antirez`).
+ The Hping official site is at [link http://www.hping.org www.hping.org].
  If you want to download source code or binary distributions of hping, go to the [Download] page.
+ {Please, if you think this site is insecure because every page is editable read this}:
- {Please, if you think you are a great hacker because you are able to edit this site read this ;)}:
  [Why I can edit every page of this site]
- Most of the vandalized pages here are from people that think they found a vulnerability in the site because all is editable!
- That's incredible, considering that Wikis may become today's blogs in some year.
+ Most of the vandalized pages here are from people that think they found a vulnerability in the site because all pages are editable!
- To check what's new in the wiki, read the [link index.cgi?op=recentchanges Recent Changes].
- -> *hping3.0.0 {alpha 2} released*. [Download] It.
- -> *hping2.0.0 Release Candidate 3* released. [Download] It.
+ -> Federico Biancuzzi interviewed me about [hping3] for onlamp.com. The interview can be found [link http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/security/2004/10/07/hping_interview.html here].
+ -> *hping3.0.0 {alpha 2} released*. [Download] It.
+ -> *hping2.0.0 Release Candidate 3* released. [Download] It.
  ===Starting points of interest===
- -> [What's hping]
- -> [hping3 API]
- -> [Getting started with hping3]
- -> [Open bugs]
- -> [Requests for new features]
- -> [External tutorials and articles]
- -> [TCP/IP]
- -> [Idle scan]
- -> [Good security tools]
- -> [Hping2 win32 version]
- -> [Hping3 vs MacosX]
- -> [link http://wiki.tcl.tk The Tcl Language] (See also the local [Tcl] page).
+ -> [What's hping]
+ -> [hping3 API]
+ -> [Getting started with hping3]
+ -> [Open bugs]
+ -> [Requests for new features]
+ -> [External tutorials and articles]
+ -> [TCP/IP]
+ -> [Idle scan]
+ -> [Good security tools]
+ -> [Hping2 win32 version]
+ -> [Hping3 vs MacosX]
+ -> [link http://wiki.tcl.tk The Tcl Language] (See also the local [Tcl] page).
+ -> [link http://www.invece.org/tclwise/ Tclwise - an online book on Tcl authored by the hping author.]
  ===About this site===
- -> [What's a Wiki]
- -> [How to create a new page] (and [Copyrights])
- -> [How to add an image in a wiki page]
- -> [Graffiti] (test page, to experiment with this wiki)
- -> [Misc pages] (other pages possibly unrelated to hping, will be moved asap)
+ -> [What's a Wiki]
+ -> [How to create a new page] (and [Copyrights])
+ -> [How to add an image in a wiki page]
+ -> [Graffiti] (test page, to experiment with this wiki)
+ -> [Misc pages] (other pages possibly unrelated to hping, will be moved asap)
  ===More free software from the hping author===
- -> *Visitors* a fast web log analyzer, home page [link http://www.hping.org/visitors/ here]
- -> *Xadsen* a Google Adsense monitor for X, home page [link http://www.hping.org/xadsen/ here]
- -> *PHP Interactive* a web based interactive shell for PHP, home page [link http://www.hping.org/phpinteractive here].
+ -> *Visitors* a fast web log analyzer, home page [link http://www.hping.org/visitors/ here]
+ -> *Xadsen* a Google Adsense monitor for X, home page [link http://www.hping.org/xadsen/ here]
+ -> *PHP Interactive* a web based interactive shell for PHP, home page [link http://www.hping.org/phpinteractive here].
+ -> *The Jim Interpreter* a small footprint implementation of the [Tcl] programming language, home page [link http://jim.berlios.de here]
+ If you are interested in business models for free software projects
+ [link http://www.invece.org/article/financing.html Financing your Free Software with Google AdSense] can
+ be an interesting read.
- **************Please do not delete,I send this message only one time,in order to introduce some china website.IF you delete,I will publish every day.***************
+ ===More sites from the hping author===
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- [体育用品|http://sports.ec51.net ]
- [数码相机|http://camera.ec51.net ]
- [注册公司|http://dyb.freewebpage.org ]
- [搜索引擎排名|http://www.ec61.com ]
- [网站推广|http://www.ec31.com  ]
- [EC51 wiki|http://wiki.ec51.org  ]
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+ -> A [link http://antifavicon.com favicon.ico generator] web service.
+ -> [link http://mandelbrot.collettivamente.com Mandelbrot Fractals Real-Time Generator]
+ -> [link http://www.invece.org/blog/ Ragusa Ibla]
+ -> [link http://collettivamente.com Archivio Gruppi di Discussione]

The following is the old page content